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Free Balancing Wine Bottle Holder Plans

We have 6 Free Gravity Wine Bottle Holder Plans listed here. Did you ever wonder How to Make a Balancing Wine Bottle Holder to impress your friends. Well we have found 6 free Gravity Defying Wine Bottle Holder plans for you including a DIY Wine Bottle Stand, a Gravity Wine Bottle Holder Plan, a Wine Bottle Balancer, a Wooden Balancing Wine Bottle Holder Plan and others. Also near the end of the article we point you to Google Images for many more great Balancing Wine Bottle Holder Design Ideas.

DIY Wine Bottle Stand Image

Better Homes & Gardens has this attractive simple Wine Bottle Stand you can make. All you need is a 3/4 inch board cut to 3 1/2 x 15 inches and some paint or stain. You will need to carefully cut the angled edge to balance the wine bottle and then use a 1 1/2 inch bit to cut a hole for the wine bottle neck. Once finished this Gravity Defying Wine Bottle Holder will amaze your friends.

Wine Bottle Holder Plans Picture

This Single Wine Bottle Holder is made from oak and looks very modern. This plan is good for an intermediate or advanced woodworker because you have to mold the wet wood to get this shape. There is a picture of this decorative wine bottle holder, a couple of design diagrams and some written instructions.

Balancing Wine Bottle Holder Plans Image

This Wooden Wine Bottle Holder is an article on the Woodworkers Guild of America site. This single bottle wine holder is easy to make. Paul and Vernon Mayer step you through the process with a cutting template (See link below), 11 detailed pictures and well written instructions.

More on Balancing Wine Bottle Holder Cutting Template  PDF

Gravity Wine Bottle Holder Photo

This DIY Wine Bottle Holder Plan will amaze your friends. This easy to make balancing wine bottle holder uses a single 8 1/4 inch long and 2 3/4 inch wide board. This woodworking project is the third one listed on the page so make sure you scroll down.

Wine Bottle Balancer Image

These Gravity Wine Bottle Holder Plans come from John Nixon on the Eagle Lake Woodworking site. This wood wine bottle holder plan has 8 photos and 2 diagrams. There are no written instructions with these plans. However the diagrams are well done and the pictures give you the idea of what to do. Make sure you View the Image Gallery for photos and detailed illustrations.

Multiple Wine Bottle Balancing Ideas Picture

There are some really amazing designs on this forum post. Scroll down through the post and see pictures and discussions on 4, 6, 7, and 8 bottle balancing wine bottle holders. The author of this post has offered to send detailed autocad drawing of the dimensions for a particular design you are interested in. Looks like some fun and certainly unique designs.

Floating Wine Bottle Holder Image

Instructable.com has a good plan with photos and instructions. I like his method of cutting the angle. He draws a line down 14 1/8 inches on one side and then draws a line down 13 3/4 inches on the other side. Finally you draw a line on the 3/4 inch side connecting the two lines. Then you have your 27% angle to cut. Neat! Also note there is an incongruity on Step 8. The text says measure 1 5/8 inches and the drawing on the board says measure 1 3/4 inches to get the center of the hole for drilling. I get 1 9/16 inches as the half way point on the 3 1/4 inch side. Be aware of this and figure it out before drilling.

Balancing Wine Bottle Holder Ideas Picture

Here are pictures from Google Images of many Balancing Wine Bottle Holder Designs. This should give you many ideas for making various wooden gravity wine bottle holders like a wine bottle shaped holder, a double wine bottle holder, a golf club wine bottle holder, a fish shaped wine bottle holder, and many other interesting wine bottle holder forms.

Engraved Wine Bottle Holder Idea Image

This is not a plan but is a picture of an engraved wine bottle holder. I think this is a neat idea. View the various engraved designs on their page for ideas. You will need to scroll down their page and Hit the View Now button for more detailed images.